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Reading is not only learning to read words and understand what's happening in stories or texts, but also discovering the joy of getting lost in books.

"I like reading our class Creative Curriculum Book - Enchated Wood was my favourite," - Year 3 


  • Read a variety of increasingly challenging texts which cover a wide range of genres and build a breadth of vocabulary.
  • Instil a love of reading for pleasure and enjoyment of a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts which help our children to connect with the world around them.
  • Develop cultural capital through fluency and enjoyment of reading to help remove barriers to achievement in school, future learning and the world of work.
  • Utilise reading skills across the curriculum.



  • Reading is predominately taught through whole class sessions based around a high-quality text which is linked to the creative curriculum unit of learning.
  • English subject leader audits the books chosen by staff to ensure that children are exposed to a variety of genres and also that a diversity of subject and authors is represented in texts to give our children the tools to access as wide a variety of texts as possible.
  • In each unit of work, we endeavour to include at least one whole class reading session per week which is taught in mixed ability classes, with work differentiated to support and challenge children of all abilities to ensure that learning is pitched at each child’s level. In addition, in the upper school, children are also exposed to discrete reading sessions taught in ability groupings once weekly to hone reading skills specific to each child to enable them to reach their full potential.
  • Across the school, we use the Little Wandle Rapid Catch-up programme to give urgent targeted support to children who are not reading at age-related expectations so that they can access the curriculum and enjoy reading as soon as possible. Little Wandle Rapid Catch-up is a complete catch-up programme that mirrors the main phonics programme used by both our main feeder schools but has a faster pace. The programme is delivered daily one-to-one or in small groups by a learning support assistant. By the end of the programme children should be reading with enough fluency and accuracy to access the curriculum in class, and to read with enjoyment and understanding.
  • Children have two opportunities a week to change their books at our school library which is well-stocked with a variety of titles matching a streamlined version of the Oxford Reading Tree levels. Each year group has their own reading challenge to encourage children to read both their school library books and books they enjoy reading for pleasure as many times as they can throughout the week.
  • Once per term, reading comprehension is assessed using the NFER papers in Yr 3/4/5. Once per half term, past SATs papers are used to assess reading progress in Yr 6.


Reading for pleasure

  • High-quality texts are read aloud in class for children to enjoy.
  • World Book Day is celebrated each year –always with whole school activities and home/school resources. A Book Fair is also available during this week.
  • Class book corners.
  • A list of age-appropriate books is shared with parents through the school planner and discussed at year group meetings and on the school website to promote children reading widely for pleasure.
  • Reading leaders support in ensuring the library is maintained respectfully.