Pupil Premium
The 'Pupil Premium' is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools, with the purpose of supporting specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. This includes pupils who are entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) or who have been entitled to Free School Meals in the past, those who are looked after by the Local Authority (LAC) or adopted from Local Authority care and children of armed services personnel. Schools plan how to use this funding to support the needs of the pupils within their own school context.
The most effective way to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils, is to use the funding to improve teaching quality. As well as accelerating progress and raising attainment, the fund is intended to support the social and emotional needs of pupils. At St Ann’s Heath, we have a strong pastoral team to support the emotional needs and well-being of our pupils and the social and emotional challenges that they may face.
The use of the funding is based on a thorough evaluation of the outcomes from the previous academic year to help increase opportunity and maximise experiences for the children within our school.
If your child does not receive Free School Meals, but may be eligible because of your family's income levels, please contact the School Office (in confidence) to register them. Even if you do not wish to take up the offer of the free meal provision, the school may still receive funding to support pupils’ needs.
Please click on the links below to see how we have allocated the Pupil Premium funding and the associated impact on learning outcomes.